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[新闻] 算啊?叫你算!算成这样了~某5灵异车损~更新nascar


更新nascar damage~


[ 本帖最后由 倍舒爽 于 2010-8-6 16:04 编辑 ]


posted by wap, platform: Nokia (E71)
原帖由 @EG瘦AA  于 2010-8-2 19:02 发表


原帖由 EG瘦AA 于 2010-8-2 19:48 发表
posted by wap, platform: UC


本帖最后由 EG瘦AA 于 2010-8-2 19:51 通过手机版编辑  

更多细节from gayfuck:

I was the one posting about the damage on nascar at GTPlanet. I can confirm that there was deformation damage to the car. I tried out almost all the cars except for the nascar and they all seemed to have a slighty updated damage model than previous events, however as I was about to leave I thought I'll try the nascar on tokyo. I crashed on the first corner intentionally and the rear bumper didn't just dangle but it actually deformed where I hit it. So I hit the wall again and the side of the car crumpled a little and the back of the car caved in a little. It looked just like the GT5 Damage Trailer. My time was up so I had to go. It seemed like the 2D version of the game in the racing pods where more updated than the 3D versions as the 3D version had some bugs while racing like textures popping up and alot of clipping.

Will post a video of some footage I managed to record. Unfortunately no nascar damage footage.


I’ve just got back from the beta rooms event in Birmingham. Played gt5 in 3D. The 3G effect was very subtle on the example I saw. The physics were excellent. There was beginner, intermediate and pro. Pro seemed v similar to gt academy demo. Extremely difficult on the narrow roads of the nurburgring. Intermidate was a great compromise of difficulty and feel. Beginner was similar to prologue standard. Graphics were excellent but we already know this. Toscana was beautiful, especially to day to night transitions and the way the headlights pick up different sign posts etc. Handling was slippy as you’d expect, nothing unusual for a rally racing game. There were however variations in the road surface, going from sand up gravel to some harder stuff ( not quite Tarmac). Damage was a lot more dramatic than I’ve seen on previous videos circling the web. Saw some people mash their cars up pretty good. Polyphony can now say they have the best damage physics on a console driving sim. Didn’t notice anydamage affecting the car handling. Thing that most impressed me? Probably the feel given by the new physics. Probably the best I’ve experienced from a driving game. Pretty close to real driving, and that is a massive complement. Spoke to a Sony guy about a uk release date, he said the “20th of November or around there”. Sorry if my writing is poor, I’m typing this on my phone.

Went to BETA event today unfortunatley camera battery died before I got to record footage of nascar. The car was awesome as it had actual deformation damage and looked miles ahead of anything we have seen of the damage for GT5 except for the trailer. The rear bumper crumpled and deformed quite a bit exactly where I hit it. The other cars had damage like all other previous demos but the nascar damage was on another level. Hopefully someone recorded some nascar footage.


原帖由 allensakura 于 2010-8-4 13:11 发表



