原帖由 巴斯 于 2020-3-5 05:15 发表 我还真没氪多少,从命运1到现在纯氪金花的钱也就200块钱左右,Y3开始的时候我身上大概有30多W光尘,到现在把所有能用光尘买的都买了还剩下15W不到,前2年也没刻意去刷经验蹭氪金球,纯粹是玩的有点多。
原帖由 Nemo_theCaptain 于 2020-3-4 13:13 发表 新赛季raid果然还是木有233 金枪还是炒冷饭
I don't know Luke Smith personally. Therefore I have no opinion on his character. Too many people insult him / spew vitriol towards him and that's uncalled for. However I do think that he is perhaps the wrong person to lead Bungie. He lacks a consistent vision for the development of Destiny and ironically since becoming Director the game has suffered from a lack of a clear direction, wavering between different paradigms, misunderstanding what makes the game fun and unintentionally sewing division amongst the player base (PvE/ PvP, casual/ hardcore etc.) Luke Smith's vocation is writing. That's how he started. He was a journalist/ writer before getting into the video games industry. You only have to look at his director's cuts to see that he thinks like a writer - unedited, meandering streams of consciousness rather than concise, clear guidance. He was lead writer for the Vault of Glass raid and I have to give credit - that's a great raid. In my opinion that's what he's good at. He should go back to writing, raid design and world-crafting and Bungie should get some fresh leadership. Someone who can actually work out what kind of game Destiny is and stick with it.
我不认识卢克·史密斯,我对他的性格也不了解。很多人侮辱、攻击他,这完全没有必要。不过话说回来,我确实认为棒鸡选错了人。他对命运的发展缺乏一致的愿景,而且讽刺的是,自从他担任总监以来,游戏一直缺乏明确的方向,在不同的设计范式之间摇摆不定,曲解游戏内在的真正的乐趣,无意之中硬是把玩家群进行了划分(PvE / PvP ,休闲/硬核等)。 卢克·史密斯(Luke Smith)的本职是写作,他一开始就是。在进入视频游戏行业之前,他是一名游戏编辑。只需要看一下最近的导演剪辑,就能看出来他像思考方式像作家,原始意识流式地泛泛而谈,而不是一锤定音式地阐述。 他是玻璃宝库突袭本的主要编剧,我得夸夸这是一个很牛逼的突袭本。我认为这就是他的专长,他应该回到写作、团队设计和游戏世界观构建上,棒鸡应该找些真正了解《命运》是什么游戏并持之以恒的人来做游戏总监。
原帖由 Nemo_theCaptain 于 2020-3-11 16:34 发表 我记得bungie.net后来有人考据VOG的编剧其实是其他人 当然原案肯定是Joe留下来的,那么短的时间内没工夫彻底重写剧本 实际上2014版剧情重写里,Luke就是Jason最信任的人之一,所以最早最乱的锅他是甩不掉的,我不 ...
原帖由 ddps3 于 2020-11-19 12:39 发表 posted by wap, platform: Samsung 我的山巅和蜘蛛退了,烦死 一怒旧的分解了 现在也没能替代的 打完主线,没啥意思 昆虫的窸窣声 窸窣你mb啊
原帖由 MKIII 于 2020-11-19 11:38 发表 Y4上线一周半,主线剧情拉垮,仓库没变,暗冰天赋很变态,完全谈不上平衡,raid还未释出。 武器装备退环境, Y2:除了raid产出、金枪全部退环境; Y3:除了raid、季票产出、金枪全部退环境。 老玩家的主流配置, ...
Here’s a list of adjustments to the world loot legendary weapons pool you’ll see with our November 24 hotfix: Remove all legendary weapons that hit their infusion cap at the end of this season Add all of the Seventh Seraph weapons from Season 10 Add all of the Season 11 seasonal and planetary reprisal weapons Weight drop chances so the newer an item is, the more likely it is to drop.