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[新闻] [给力的来了!]任地狱行将就木的最有力证据

Nintendo Has Lost 80% of Their Value in 3 Years

不管是让日本许多电子企业受累于雷曼事件(Lehman Shock),还是6个月前的日本大海啸,这些都是任天堂无力控制的外界因素。但是真正的问题是出在内部的,从上面的2011年度走势图就可以看出,3DS公布以后任天堂公司市值狂跌不止,至今也无法泄停。


It's difficult extremely easy to blame Nintendo's downfall on one particular thing, with the recent trend being the 5% loss in the company's stock price after their 3DS games lineup at TGS or their analog stick doohickey. But Nintendo's overall loss of "80% of their value" over the last three years is far more difficult to explain.

Whether it's the credit crunch called the "Lehman Shock" in Japan or the Great Touhoku Earthquake six months ago, Nintendo has been greatly affected by forces outside of their control. Of course, looking at merely the 2011 chart summary (above), we can see that their decline started mainly after the launch of the 3DS.

Does this mean that Nintendo is dying a slow but inevitable death? No, that story is trollbait. Nintendo is still in no way in financial trouble. Shareholders are still confident that Nintendo will remain profitable, just perhaps not has profitable within the next couple of years as the days of the Wii and Nintendo DS.

