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关于岩田聪开发游戏的经历,这里有整理一些: http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/SugarWiki/GeniusProgramming

Ladies and gentlemen, meet Satoru Iwata, global president of Nintendo, former acting president of HAL Labs. When he was younger, he disassembled the programs for his home computer by writing down the memory dumps by hand. Mind you, this was before printers. Among his achievements as a game programmer, he...

    ... ported the battle code of Pokemon Stadium to the Nintendo 64 despite not having any access to crucial documents. And he did it all in a week.
    ... programmed EarthBound (from scratch) in its entirety, also with remarkable speed. At the time, the project was very close to being jettisoned due to the unmanageability of the original coding. The coding itself is a huge scripting language, so complex that, theoretically, the text system alone could be used to write an emulator, if altered somewhat.
    ... personally compressed Pokemon Gold And Silver, which filled the cartridge despite still being half-finished. That's the reason the setting for Pokémon Red and Blue was included (with only two locations removed) in the games—there was that much space left after he was done.
    ... debugged Super Smash Bros. Melee all by his lonesome. It only took him two weeks—which was all the time he had to get it out.

有没有吹牛不好说,但至少关于口袋那个肯定是真的,在Iwata Asks里提及过.

  • iou90 激骚 +1 最骚 Rated by wap 2015-7-15 08:53

