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你印象最深的“奥莱时刻”是什么?是99年对诺丁汉森林时18分钟内独中四元?还是欧冠决赛对拜仁的绝杀?Steve Bartram在官网上给出了自己不同的答案。

18 April, 1998. An injury-beleagured United were limping towards the finishing line of another hard-fought title race with Arsenal. By this point, while still mathematically well in the hunt to retain the trophy, the Reds were down to the bare bones and the Gunners had built up an unstoppable momentum.

Ole was thrown into the action against Newcastle with the score locked at 1-1. United were laying siege to the Magpies' goal, but just couldn't get a vital winner. With a minute remaining, such was United's commitment to attack, that one cleared corner left Magpies midfielder Rob Lee with a free run on goal from inside his own half.

Having only been on the field 10 minutes, Ole used his freshness to sprint after Lee in a nail-biting race. Should United concede, that would be the season over. The gap continued to narrow until Lee got to the edge of the United area, when Ole flung himself into an awful challenge and was, quite rightly, sent off.

In ensuring the foul was outside the box, however, he had prevented an almost certain goal and a potential penalty. In recognition, he was handed a standing ovation by the Old Trafford crowd.

It's not the proudest moment of Ole's career, I'd imagine, and he was carpeted by Sir Alex for his lack of sportsmanship after the game, but it was a deliberate self-sacrifice which laid bare his worth as a player and a man.


S20在比分1:1平时被派上场,当时曼联持续围攻对手,却无法攻入制胜一球。比赛最后一分钟,曼联最后一次进攻,角球被解围后,纽卡斯尔的Robert Lee得到皮球,在无人盯防的情况下直扑曼联禁区。刚刚上场10分钟,体力依然充沛的S20在后拼命追赶。此刻如果纽卡斯尔进球,曼联的英超冠军即成泡影。S20与Lee的距离逐渐缩小,最终在禁区边缘,S20将Lee放倒,从而避免了曼联的失球和可能的点球,S20也因此染红下场。





原帖由 6533186dc 于 2007-8-30 10:47 发表

