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Tools and Files Download
cpk-toolkit.zip - 155KB
- tools used in patching process, see tutorial below.
- SHA1: 5CFB2C286F696F7C26D3119D83C9CD2B16E6AC08

CAS_nude_mod.zip - 1.9MB
- main nude mod, see tutorial below.
- SHA1: 4AA1885E28F5F656500AC1AB1D3D3F6CF9378D8B

remove_Ivy_1P_bra_mod.zip - 8MB
- optional modded file for Ivy character 1P costume, see tutorial below.
- SHA1: 3DC467AF5851BD1F34CA19D52A0FCBB04264EC9B

* unpack cpk-toolkit.zip to some directory on your PC Hard Disk.

* copy or put creation.cpk into same dir you unpacked contents of cpk-toolkit.zip to.
(so that creation.cpk is in same directory, toogether with all these .bat files).
(original creation.cpk file is found in SC5 game main directory).

* unpack all contents of creation.cpk by clicking on extract-creation.bat
(this will create another subdirectory, named "\creation.cpk_unpacked"
and will extract all files there. this will require 2.15GB hard disk space).
this may take a while, maybe even 1 hour, but it extracts slowly files at the begining,
after file #350 it starts to move faster. also i think it uses heavily virtual
memory on your PC so it may be much faster if you not running any big apps
while unpacking.

* take file named "00990.bin" from "CAS_nude_mod.zip" and copy it to
"\creation.cpk_unpacked" directory replacing file with same name there.
(this bin file is modded and makes nude parts visible).

* Optional. Do the same with "00268.bin" file from "remove_Ivy_1P_bra_mod.zip".
this modded bin removes bra from Ivy 1P costume.

* build new creation.cpk with modded files inside by clicking build-creation.bat batch file.
this new file will be created in \out subdirectory.
it will require another 2.15GB of hard disk space. now build process will be much faster
than unpacking.

* copy new creation.cpk file to your 360 hard disk, into SC5 directory
replacing original file there.
NOTE: make sure you have backup of this file.
NOTE2: this rebuilt file is approx 1GB bigger now so game will take that
much more space on your 360 HDD.

