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[新闻] 任天堂次世代主机 NX 用的是老黄的 Tegra 处理器!?

用安卓系统,还是可以理解的,据说比Tegra X1还牛逼,是基于Pascal的。。老黄这次也是下了血本。。。借助任天堂提高Tegra在移动市场的影响力,毕竟Tegra X1 公布到现在一年多了,基本没什么第三方采用。。。。


http://www.tweaktown.com/news/52 ... amd-chip/index.html

Exclusive: Up until now, everything we've heard on the next-gen consoles is that AMD will have APUs inside all of them. The Nintendo NX was meant to be powered by an AMD design, but according to our sources, Nintendo is working with NVIDIA and will use a Pascal-based Tegra chip inside of their next-gen Nintendo NX console.


Though Nvidia downplayed console margins, their pride was hurt by the loss in console contracts. All the talk about "focusing on Shield" was a cover for the fact that MS and Sony had soured on them and would not enter negotiations.
Nvidia team was told to get a console win or "go home." Enter Nintendo, who apparently made off very well in this deal. This to the point that SemiAccurate questions whether this is a "win" at all for Nvidia.
SA has heard that Nvidia are promising software, support, and the whole shebang at a very low cost. According to one source, Nvidia may even be taking a loss on this deal. (Take the second sentence here with an extra portion of salt)
Not mentioned which generation of Tegra or which process node will be used or when the handheld is scheduled for release.
No mention of the home console, but we can speculate what that might be and who might provide the chipset for that one.

Emily Rogers: NX Not Using x86 Architecture

After speaking to seven different people this week, I can say with confidence that this is false. NX is not using x86 architecture like PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. The NX has special, custom-made chips and the overall design of the hardware is very modern. The chips are industry leading because they are very modern chips, but having modern chips doesn’t necessarily mean Nintendo is aiming to create the most powerful hardware on the market. Furthermore, any NX rumors on “Polaris chips” and “Polaris architecture” are all wacky. There’s a good reason why those rumors are wacky.

In terms of raw power, numerous sources tell me that NX is much closer to Xbox One than PlayStation 4. Even that might be stretching it a tiny bit. Anyone who is claiming that NX is “two times the power of PS4 GPU” is being misled by their sources. Based on what I’ve heard, I don’t believe the NX will compete directly with PS4 (Neo) / PS4K in raw power.

There will be plenty of debates over the NX’s specs because it’s not simple to directly compare two apples (with x86 architecture) to an orange (that doesn’t use x86 architecture). But everything that I’ve heard (so far) indicates that NX isn’t going to blow away any of the consoles on the market today…except for Wii U.

[ 本帖最后由 npx 于 2016-5-14 22:04 编辑 ]


原帖由 328928249 于 2016-5-15 13:24 发表
posted by wap, platform: 小米NOTE

