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[新闻] XO+PS3//CAPCOM <鬼泣最新作 "重生">发表!!游戏影像追加同样!!

"New Dante looks like shit, DONOTWANT. Congrats Capcom/Ninja Theory, you've outcrapped the bastard that was Nero."

"I've got an Idea guys. Let's make a petition! Better yet let's boycott!Haha I'm brilliant!"

"Yeah seriously, what is with Capcom's aversion to putting in the Dante people like into their DMC games?

It's like they are constantly trying to "freshen" it up by not using the main character as he was in the first game“

”i dont see how this design change will rejuvenate any sales. the new character design looks way too emo for the western audience. they usually like bald space marines and not emo kids.“

