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[新闻] Xbox360继“3红灯”后再爆新bug!!!

错误码:Xbox 360 E74 error
E74. System Error. ContactXbox Customer Support”

New Xbox 360 hardware failures being reported in significant numbers!!!
March 24, 2009 11:03 AM


Xbox 360 failures are on the rise since the launch of the New Xbox Experience.

A known Xbox 360 hardware issue is beginning to surface in significant numbers recently based on research conducted by video game site Joystiq.Tentatively called the Xbox 360 E74 error, one of the lights on the“Ring of Lights” on the front of your Xbox 360 console flashes red andyou receive the error code and message: "E74. System Error. ContactXbox Customer Support".The symptoms involve the bottom right portion of the indicator ringrepeatedly flashing on and off and lines or snow will become visibleacross the screen.

According to the initial Joystiq article posted on March 13, the Microsoft representative Joystiqcontacted told them she wasn't familiar with the problem and that theywere looking in to the issue. The E74 error is a known issue that isrecognized by Microsoft and is documented on Microsoft’s own support site complete with diagrams. The support site has a last revised time stamp of March 3, 2009 as of this writing, predating the Joystiq article that broke the story.
Microsoft’s support site provides no explanation for the error otherthan to state, “This behavior occurs when the Xbox 360 consoleexperiences a hardware failure.” Joystiq theorizes the E74error is related to a hardware video problem where the ANA/HANA scalingchip on Xbox 360s equipped with HDMI functionality has come loose.

The main theory put forward that tries to explain why thisparticular hardware issue is being seen more frequently is theincreased graphical stress caused by the introduction of the New XboxExperience. The New Xbox Experience was launched on November 19 and provided Xbox Live users with a complete rework of the user interface.
One of the significant changes introduced by the New Xbox Experiencewas the removal of the blade interface. The blades allowed users toaccess pages of information and features quickly due to the fact theyare stacked on top of each other. The new interface uses full windowsto spread out the screen.

Another significant change introduced by the New Xbox Experience wasthe implementation of a graphical avatar system. Users are allowed tochoose their avatar from a large group; each avatar is dresseddifferently, has a unique hair style, and skin color. Once you havechosen your avatar, you are allowed to customize it with new clothing,accessories, and hair. The stress caused by these visual changes may bewhat is taking many Xbox 360s to the breaking point for unlucky customers.

An interesting pattern can be seen on a Google Trends chartthat shows a noticeable spike in users researching the E74 error inNovember 2008 right around the launch of the New Xbox Experience.

Joystiq’s analysis of survey respondents show a similar pattern of increased E74 failuresstarting in November of last year. A conspiracy theory making therounds speculates Microsoft may have changed the system diagnosticstest to report Red Ring of Death error as E74 instead to save money.For errors reported as E74, it would force customers to pay $100 forthe repair if the error occurs later than 12 months after purchase. TheE74 error is not covered under the 3-year extended warranty set inplace for the Red Ring of Death malfunction. Joystiq pointsout that this theory is unlikely because survey respondents are stillreporting Red Ring of Death errors after the launch of the New XboxExperience.

On March 19, Joystiq posted Microsoft’s official response to the E74 issue where they stated:
E74 is a general hardware error onXbox 360 indicated by a single red flashing light in the Xbox Ring ofLight and an error message visible on the television. This error isunrelated to the three flashing red lights error and there is not asingle root cause. We encourage anyone who receives this error tocontact Xbox Customer support through www.xbox.com/support or1-800-4-MY-XBOX. The majority of customers who own Xbox 360 consolescontinue to have a terrific experience from their first day, andcontinue to, day in and day out.

As pointed out by Joystiq, Microsoft’s response fails toadequately answer what causes the E74 error, if there has been anincrease in incidents, and why it is not covered while the Red Ring ofDeath is. The evidence is mounting as Joystiq has posted an update on March 23showing E74 errors have definitely increased since the introduction ofthe New Xbox Experience. It remains to be seen how long it takesMicrosoft to acknowledge there is an issue and deal with in a way thatsatisfies their current customers. As past history shows an adequate response may take time.

Microsoft’s top game executive, Robbie Bach, president of the Entertainment & Devices group, said at a dinner in July 2008 that Microsoft’s own research shows that gamers have largely forgiven the company for defective Xbox 360s. Depending on how this issue is handled current customers may not be so quick to forgive.


