5/3/2002 Spider-Man $114,844,116 $403,706,375 $821,565,375 $139,000,000
6/30/2004 Spider-Man 2 $88,156,227 $373,524,485 $783,705,001 $200,000,000
5/4/2007 Spider-Man 3 $151,116,516 $336,530,303 $890,875,303 $258,000,000
"Sony Pictures announced in January 2010 that plans for Spider-Man 4 had been cancelled due to Raimi's withdrawal from the project. Raimi reportedly ended his participation due to doubt that he could meet the planned May 6, 2011 release date while upholding the film creatively."
Sam退出之后Tobey Maguire和Kirsten Dunst也立刻表示没Sam就不玩了
我觉得换人重启的选择不错,改变一下风格,EMMA STONE和SOCIAL的小哥口碑演技都还不错,这种题材北美的票房不会成问题吧
[ 本帖最后由 Viviwill 于 2012-4-17 18:23 编辑 ]