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原帖由 网上的final 于 2007-1-10 23:54 发表
偶就勉为其难的翻译一下吧 :D
      quakecon两年前 你非常坚持在你左右不要太兴奋了基调发展为多核心系统. 不只是具体电脑,而且xbox的PlayStation3 ...



GI: At QuakeCon two years ago, you were very adamant during your keynote about not being too thrilled about developing for multi-core systems. Not just specifically with PCs, but also the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360. Now that you’ve been working with both of them since then, have your thoughts changed at all?

GI:在2年前的QuakeCon上,您曾经坚决地表示在多核心系统上做开发工作不会有很大难度,这其中不仅仅指个人电脑,也包括索尼的PS3和Xbox 360。在您已经在两个平台上工作了一段时间的今天,不知道您的看法是否与当时有所不同?

Carmack: Microsoft has made some pretty nice tools that show you what you can make on the Xbox 360. I get a nice multi-frame graph, and I can label everything across six threads and three cores. They are nice tools for doing all of that, but the fundamental problem is that it’s still hard to do. If you want to utilize all of that unused performance, it’s going to become more of a risk to you and bring pain and suffering to the programming side. It already tends to be a long pole in the tent for getting a game out of the door. It’s no help to developers to be adding all of this extra stuff where we can spend more effort on this. We’re going to be incentivized, obviously, to take advantage of the system, because everybody’s going to be doing that. It’s not like anyone’s going to say that it’s impossible to do. People tend to look at it from the up side. It gives you this many more flops and it gives you this much more power to do that. But you have to recognize that there is another edge to that sword, and you will suffer in some ways for dealing with this. I don’t have any expectation that anytime soon, a massive breakthrough will occur that will make parallel programming much easier. It’s been an active research project for many years. Better tools will help and somewhat better programming methodologies will help. One of the big problems with modern game development with CC++ languages is that your junior programmer who’s supposed to be over there working on how the pistol works can’t have one tiny little erase condition that interacts with the background thread doing something. I do sweat about the fragility of what we do with the large-scale software stuff with multiple programmers developing on things, and adding multi-core development makes it much scarier and much worse in that regard.


[ 本帖最后由 handsomeken 于 2007-1-11 09:42 编辑 ]

