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[新闻] 莎木官方对于资金和其他问题的解答

http://www.vg247.com/2015/06/17/ ... -to-fund-shenmue-3/

Sony is chipping in to fund Shenmue 3

...The Kickstarter met its goal within nine hours, and at the time of writing, it’s pulled in nearly $2.8 million from over 35,000 backers, making it reasonably likely that the project will hit its highest stretch goal of $4 million before time’s up. But even so, where’s the rest of the money coming from?

During the PlayStation E3 livestream today, Sony’s Gio Corsi confirmed the publisher is aiding development. Corsi said that Shenmue 3 was the most frequently requested title for his Third-Party Production team to work on, so the Kickstarter was a way to test the waters and see if fans were willing to put their money where their mouth is: “If the fans come in and back it, then absolutely we’re going to make this a reality.”

