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[新闻] 微软官方辟谣:XBOX 720不会在2012年的E3上出现!!

Mon, Jan 30, 2012 | 20:50 GMT

Xbox 720: E3 “premature,” “nothing new in 2012″

Microsoft France’s Cedrick Delmas has said the company will have “nothing new” in terms of hardware in 2012, saying E3 this year will be “premature” for talking about any successor to Xbox 360.

The news came from Cedrick Delmas, marketing director of Microsoft France, during an interview with Lepoint.Fr.

In a response to a question inquiring about the rumor suggesting the announcement of the next Xbox at E3 this year, Cedrick said:

“We’re in an industry that talks a lot, that likes to tell stories. I am not convinced things will happen this year. Xbox 360′s cycle is not at all finished. The proof is that we don’t see the logic in cutting the price this year. E3 is still premature. What’s certain is that there’ll be nothing new in 2012.”

Delmas said that Microsoft won’t be making any hasty moves in a bid of counter Nintendo as they prepare to launch Wii U.

“We’re not here to counter Nintendo and they’re not here to fight the other manufacturers. Nintendo has put itself in a different cycle, they’re advancing at their own pace.”

Rumors have been pointing towards a E3 2012 reveal for Microsoft’s next Xbox console.

Sony said today that it’ll “probably” be the last to announce its plans for the next generation.
Nintendo’s next console – Wii U – is preparing for a re-reveal at E3 2012, with a planned launch before Christmas this year.

Despite determined rumours about the onset of next generation machines from Microsoft and Sony, mounting evidence suggests we will see nothing of either console in 2012.

微软法国的Cedrick Delmas说:我们没有任何在2012年的关于硬件方面的新闻,在今年的E3上讨论XBOX360的继承人尚是一个过早的话题(即今年没有720)
这个消息来自于Cedrick Delmas这个法国市场主管在和Lepoint.Fr的访谈

在回应关于今年E3上有关下一代XBOX的相关问题时,Cedrick Delmas说:

Cedrick Delmas说微软不会因为任天堂的Wii U而有什么草率的行动

任天堂的下一代主机——Wii U计划在2012 E3上再次揭示相关的包括圣诞节前发售等消息



