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[西甲] 体育区炸弹~卡卡转会即将尘埃落定~6500万

Milan set Kaka transfer deadline

AC Milan owner Silvio Berlusconi says Brazilian playmaker Kaka's future will be decided on Monday.

The 27-year-old Kaka has been linked with a move to Real Madrid in a £56m transfer deal following Florentino Perez's return as president.

Chelsea have also been linked with the Brazilian playmaker, though the London club insisted reports of a £73.5m offer for Kaka were "totally untrue".

"We've never made an offer to AC Milan for Kaka," said a Chelsea statement.

"As a consequence we have not discussed a salary with the player either. Any reports to the contrary are totally untrue," added the Blues statement.

It had been claimed that Kaka's father and agent Bosco Leite had already sealed the deal in Madrid, with Italian Prime Minister Berlusconi admitting the player may move because "they have offered him so much money".

