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[新闻] Direct2D,DirectWrite,你没见过吧

在最新更新的2009年3月的DirectX SDK的描述里,出现了2个新的APIDirect2D和DirectWrite,他们都将伴随Windows 7到来。
Technical Preview of Direct2D

Direct2D is ahardware-accelerated, immediate-mode, 2-D graphics API that provideshigh performance and high quality rendering for 2-D geometry, bitmaps,and text. The Direct2D API is designed to interoperate well withDirect3D and GDI. This technical preview allows developers to evaluatethe API and write simple applications, with some of the more advancedfunctionality possible on properly configured machines.

            Technical Preview of DirectWrite

DirectWrite provides support for high-quality text rendering,resolution-independent outline fonts, and full Unicode text and layoutsupport, and much, much more.

  •             A device-independent text layout system that improves text readability in documents and in UI.
  • High-quality, sub-pixel, ClearType text rendering that can use GDIDirect3D, Direct2D, or application-specific rendering technology.
  •             Support for multi-format text.
  •             Support for the advanced typography features of OpenType fonts.
  •             Support for the layout and rendering of text in all languages supported by Windows.

