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posted by wap, platform: Firefox


“McCoy to bridge. I can’t reach Spock from sickbay. Listen to me. Khan—I need Khan alive. You get that murderous sonuvabitch back on this ship right now.” He took a deep breath. “I think he can save Kirk.”

As he closed the communication, he found Carol gazing at him intently. “What about bringing one of the other members of Khan’s crew out of cryosleep? Even if they don’t revive . . . properly . . . it’s not their opinions we need.”

McCoy looked toward the prone form of Kirk lying motionless on the gurney, where he continued to be prepped and monitored by the team of medical technicians.

“Too risky. I think this might work with Khan. I don’t know how much alike he and his crew are, and I don’t have time to find out. If there’s even the slightest unresolved difference between their respective physiologies, then we might be doing nothing but wasting our time and what little, if any, Jim has left. And I have to have Khan alive, because I don’t know what death might do to his body . . . or the viability of its respective components.” He shook his head in dismay. “It’s Khan—or nothing.”

1. 电影剧本里本来有,最后剪辑时删了。但总共就三五句对话,时间不超过半分钟,完全没必要删啊,删了还会让不少观众觉得这是漏洞。
2. 确实这是剧本漏洞,改编小说的作者发现了,于是自己增补了一段对话。就好比上一部电影的改编小说和漫画也增补完善了电影里的不少漏洞一样。

本帖最后由 Data-Lore 于 2013-5-30 10:44 通过手机版编辑


posted by wap, platform: Firefox

其实电影里McCoy 只需要用10秒钟说一句话:“仍在冷冻状态的船员的血,是否和可汗的血同样功效,我无法确定,不敢冒险”

