Current fixes
Patches Description
AMD SMT Improves performance on AMD CPUs by enabling all cores.
AVX Fixes a crash when playing the game with a CPU that does not support AVX
Debug Menu Enables the debug menus in game so you can cheat, investigate...
Pools Improves memory usage, can improve performance on some configurations.
Spectre Removes spectre mitigation to improve performance on all configurations.
Steam Input Enables the use of more gamepads (such as the Steam gamepad)
Skip start menu Skips the menu asking you to press space bar to continue (Breaching...)
Remove pedestrians and traffic Removes most of the pedestrians and traffic Disable Async Compute Disables async compute, this can give a boost on older GPUs (Nvidia 10xx series for example)
Disable Antialiasing TAA Disables antialiasing, not recommended but you do what you want!
Console Adds an overlay to draw a console so you can write any kind of console command 作者: epiligueyjc 时间: 2020-12-20 10:02
原帖由 rhinoking 于 2020-12-20 10:54 发表
posted by edfc, platform: iPhone SE (2nd generation)
这不是 针对 amd的吗与10系显卡有关系么?
Disable Async Compute Disables async compute, this can give a boost on older GPUs (Nvidia 10xx series for example)
关闭Async Compute提高旧GPU的性能,包括10XX系列,1060和1070崛起了? 作者: cinder 时间: 2020-12-20 11:19