6年五季,紧紧的在breaking bad这一个内核下扩展,从老白过着普通人的日子到将死,到自负膨胀最后妻离子散家破人亡,全剧就像史诗悲剧一样; pinkman就像lord of war里的弟弟,自己的生活一团糟但本质善良单纯,在越走越深碰触底线时爆发,和老白的一路膨胀自毁相呼应
最后一集老白说'I Did It For Me. I Liked It'时候Sky稍纵即逝的复杂表情
What is extraordinary, is the sheer power of everyone in the entire production. What was it? Five or six years in the making? How the producers (yourself being one of them), the writers, directors, cinematographers.... every department — casting etc. managed to keep the discipline and control from beginning to the end is (that over used word) awesome.