5.19 We're finally returning to Paddys with an event that goes back to our roots. Well be running an all-Street Fighter event featuring SF3, SF4, and SF5! SF5 will have a 20RMB entry fee which all goes to the pot (pot bonus 200/100/50)! SF4 and 3 will have a 10RMB entry fee which all goes to the pot (pot bonus 50/30/20) Come relive Street Fighter history! 12pm start!
5.19 为了庆祝我们终于回去爱尔兰酒吧,我们举办首次的全街霸活动。街霸3.3,4,5,都在!街霸五有进20元的入塞费和奖金(200/100/50 + 塞费分配)街霸四和三有10元进入塞费和奖金(200/100/50 + 塞费分配)欢迎大家过来再体验街霸历史!12点开始
Address/地址:北京市朝阳区东直门外大街28-5 作者: JohnStockton 时间: 2019-5-14 14:04