为了迎合坛友讨厌MADE IN CHINA,就不翻译了。转自STEAMWORKS,各位要有自己的判断力。
Q. When can I expect to be paid every month?
A. We pay out by the 30th of the month following sales. For example, we will pay you for calendar February month sales by March 30th. It may take a few business days for the payment to post to your bank account. In that case, you may see the payment in your bank account during the first few days of April, following the example above.
Q. I didn’t change my bank information in time for this payment cycle. Can you reissue payment to my new bank account?
A. We make payments once a month. If your payment is returned to us for any reason, it will be included in the next monthly payment batch. We cannot make off cycle payments. 作者: anthony1234 时间: 2018-10-1 15:55