预告片里有这么一个情节:蝙蝠侠、神奇女侠、钢骨和闪电侠站在一个地下隧道状门口,女侠说了一句:“Don't engage alone, we do this together. (不要独自突进,我们一起打这一仗)”而根据正片的信息,这个地点应该是哥谭和大都会之间的隧道,我认为它后面恰好是蝙蝠侠说:“通道不安全,一个一个通过。”话音还没落,闪电侠嗖一下过去了。
This is what we know. The world has grown dark. And while we have reasons to fear, we have the strength not to. There are heroes among us, to remind us that only from fear, comes courage; that only from the darkness, can we truly feel the light.