- Runs really well. Seems to hold the framerate consistently. Seems like they half it for replays and close up cutscenes though. The loading times are incredibly faster. Even faster than on my PC. I can't even attempt one of the mini games the game is already done loading.
- It seems slightly faster than the other versions. Defending is slightly easier and so far I would say the keepers are actually better. I am so far less likely to score from far away for example. Overall I think I actually prefer the way this version plats. Oh the players also feel like they react quicker to the inputs. Similar to PES, which might be because the animation system from the other versions isn't here.
- I do miss the quick substitutions. That as been a great addition in the other versions.
- FUT is slightly gimped it seems. The big exclusion are definitely the Squad Battles. A real shame those aren't here. I also don't see daily challenges. Otherwise it seems like everything is intact.
Overall a good first effort from EA. Even if they can't get the Journey on this thing I hope we get mode parity next year. That really has to be their prime objective.