The long rumored often elusive keyboard and mouse support for Xbox One may actually be on its way sooner than dreamed about.
A senior Microsoft official mentioned during the company’s developer conference that soon those game developers who are part of the Xbox Live Creators program will be able to mimic their Windows 10 counterparts by incorporating more desktop features.
Among those Windows, desktop features coming to the platform are mouse and keyboard support. Furthermore, the executive said it would ‘soon’ that developers in the Xbox Live Creators Program should expect support in the near future.
Optimistically, over the past few years, Microsoft has been eager to meld the worlds of Xbox and Windows 10 and with the framework set in place for console gamers to dabble with full Windows 10 apps, it should be a short order for keyboard and mouse support to maneuver those apps.
传闻已久的Xbox One主机完整键盘鼠标支持功能终于有新曙光,一位资深微软官员在Build大会上提到,参与Xbox Live Creators计划的部分开发者马上将能够率先测试到这项功能,Xbox One在得到Windows 10核心的新界面体验后,增加对键盘鼠标的支持能够让主机玩家进一步享受到更统一的游戏体验。
去年微软Xbox负责人斯宾塞就曾经透露将会在Xbox One上启动鼠标和键盘支持,届时要看看多少开发者希望在Xbox One上运行使用鼠标和键盘的PC游戏。
xbox one 与 win 10大统一的时代马上来临。