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This first chart shows two things, primarily: We’re looking at CPU junction temperature in blue and averaged core frequency in red during a Prime workload. Ideally, the red line is perfectly flat when under heavy load, indicating a more stable core clock. The blue line should never exceed 75C, as that is AMD’s maximum junction temperature for the 1800X – or TjMax. We were able to trip a thermal shutdown by intentionally heating the CPU beyond 75C, validating that TjMax is in fact around 75C (+/-2C reading in AI Suite). Note that although the junction sensor is perfectly precise, it is not necessarily perfectly accurate – nor is software’s ability to interpret the sensor data. There may be latencies in some software solutions, and other differences in sensor accuracy could mean that you see temperature reports exceeding 75C; that does not mean Tjunction is actually >75C in reality, it just means that the sensor thinks that’s the case. Depending on what type of sensor is used, there are often accuracy ranges of 1-2.2C. Precision remains unimpacted by this. Using software which does not make adjustments to the raw junction output by the CPU means, like in the case of early AIDA64 revisions during this testing, that you may see temperatures ~20-30C below what reliable tools report.
We did our best with a combination of AI Suite and HW Monitor. Ryzen Master was not made available to media until we were on planes for an event. Prior to our finalized test run, we mounted thermocouples to the IHS to get an understanding of external case temperature, then compared that to a few other DUTs to build a knowledgebase of the temperature logging behavior on Ryzen. This was plotted versus various software solutions. We then removed those thermocouples and began temperature testing with our chosen two.
Gauging thermal performance on AMD isn’t exactly easy, and the diode reporting has some inconsistencies at times that manifest in the form of massive reported temperature drops.
直接用温度传感器测完之后发现华硕的ai suite数据更接近实际温度。 作者: 阿卡 时间: 2017-3-16 13:41