You recently ordered "Sony PlayStation 4 Pro 1TB" in your Amazon order #206-7925226-5143507 and we're pleased to inform you that you're now entitled to an additional discount on 2 games.
"Call Of Duty: Infinite Warfare" w/ Zombie Pin Badges and Hellstorm DLC (Exclusive to will be available to purchase at the reduced cost of £34 and "Dishonored 2" will be available to purchase at the reduced cost of £20
We're pleased to include your claim codes, as well as full redemption instructions, below:
Call Of Duty: Infinite Warfare:
Dishonored 2:
Redemption instructions:
You'll need an account to redeem your discount code and claim your free 'The Last of Us'.
1. Go to
2. Add either of the above games to your basket, sold by
3. Proceed to Checkout.
4. Where it says 'Enter a gift card or promotional code', enter your discount code.
5. The promotion will then be applied.
6. Click the 'Place your order' button.
I hope this helps and that we see you again soon.
Customer Service Department
Please note: This e-mail was sent from a notification-only address that can't accept incoming e-mail. Please don't reply to this message. 作者: 恋妖壶 时间: 2016-11-5 02:34
同问:D 作者: dynasty 时间: 2016-11-5 07:03
posted by wap, platform: 小米
我也收到,the last of us 如何 claim 作者: xerfei 时间: 2016-11-5 08:02
posted by wap, platform: iPhone
感觉那句the last of us是复制粘贴的...只能等勇者试试?还有一个问题是羞辱2欧版会有中文吗? 作者: hzde 时间: 2016-11-5 08:07