posted by wap, platform: Chrome
支持nes/snes/genesis/gb/gba 等机种
Nesbox Emulator for XBox One
This prototype is designed only for XBox One and works only with gamepad buttons: arrows, A, B, X, Y, select - left shoulder, start - right shoulder, L - left trigger, R - right trigger. You should have a ROM file to play a game and upload it via OneDrive service. It supports NES, SNES, GENESIS, GAMEBOY and ADVANCE systems.
Supported file extensions: .gen .smd .bin .smc .nes .gba .gbc .gb. With all other files you will get a black screen.
Info: press MENU > Use browsing controls or MENU > Use game controls to switch between gamepad/mouse mode in Edge browser.
Remember, it's just a prototype which I wrote in 2 days to demonstrate how emulation can work on X1 browser and it's very rough around the edges!
If you want me to develop complete application you can make a donation by clicking Support This Game button.