Let's just say that she's been riding a false reputation for a long time, and it's largely fueled by the internet's fascination with a "super-smart and hot rocket scientest game developer". Did you know she worked at NASA? Give me a break. Talk with anyone who's worked closely with her and you will hear horror stories of just what a terrible developer she is. She was able to work at MS for so long because she's married to a very competent art director who was on the same team, and I can only assume that they didn't want to lose him. Well guess what? She got fired, he left a few months later, and now here we are picking up the pieces.
Read the Microsoft statement here: http://www.ign.com/wikis/halo-5- ... 0Leaks?ign_app_ios=
“While we consider Corrinne Yu a part of our founding family and can’t wait to see where her talent takes her in her new role, we wanted to clarify a repeated misconception, most recently on an IGN podcast. Corrinne worked on a branch of our tools team and did not in fact work on either the Halo 4 or Halo 5 engine or graphics at all. Our current tools team will surely miss her enviable intellect, but we felt it fair to both her and 343 Industries to ensure that the nature of her contributions was not being misrepresented.”
She didn't do anything on Halo 4, but that's basically all they worked on for 3 years. WTF? That doesn't really match up with what she claims to have done. I have a feeling we were duped.
原帖由 @MegaDr 于 2016-7-20 15:43 发表
原帖由 @Nemo_theCaptain 于 2016-7-20 15:47 发表
Halo 4的动态光源效果比Reach是退步的,鬼知道那动态GI动态在哪,游戏本身也没什么场景破坏效果
原帖由 MegaDr 于 2016-7-20 15:54 发表
posted by wap, platform: iPhone
原帖由 @fcbjay 于 2016-7-20 17:22 发表
原帖由 @abracadabra949 于 2016-7-20 18:42 发表
原帖由 chenke 于 2016-7-20 19:02 发表
posted by wap, platform: iPhone
这个港灿女是很奇葩,嫁了343一个主要美工,以此要挟微软,最后微软还是忍无可忍把她开了,然后她就开始大肆自我炒作,什么受不了xdk喜欢上大法gcn啦,什么HALO4首席图像程序媛啦, ...
原帖由 @abracadabra949 于 2016-7-20 19:30 发表
当初不是说TLOU RE的光照引擎就是她重写的么?
原帖由 清风拂晓 于 2016-7-21 12:27 发表
posted by wap, platform: Android
原帖由 Nemo_theCaptain 于 2016-7-21 13:10 发表
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