posted by wap, platform: iPhone
From Geoff's stream
- Biggest team Insomniac has ever had working on a game
- Most ambitious Marvel game ever made
- It's been in development for "quite some time"
- It's not connected at all with the upcoming movie
- It'll focus on both Peter Parker and Spider-man
- PS4 exclusive and published by SIE
- They aren't ready to talk about any release timeframe。
画面和物理都很好,漫威野心之作 作者: kelaredbull 时间: 2016-6-15 10:00
posted by wap
同时关注彼得帕克和蜘蛛侠,是说自行车送报小游戏吗?还是高校恋爱模拟啊… 作者: madrista7 时间: 2016-6-15 10:02