We see on other platforms whether it be mobile or PC that you get a continuous innovation that you rarely see on console," he said. "Consoles lock the hardware and the software platforms together at the beginning of the generation. Then you ride the generation out for seven or so years, while other ecosystems are getting better, faster, stronger. And then you wait for the next big step function.
We can effectively feel a little bit more like we see on PC, where I can still go back and run my old Doom and Quake games that I used to play years ago but I can still see the best 4K games come out and my library is always with me. Hardware innovation continues while the software innovation is able to take advantage and I don't have to jump a generation and lose everything that I played on before."
原帖由 @npx 于 2016-3-2 00:13 发表
原帖由 kimura25 于 2016-3-2 09:40 发表
posted by wap, platform: Firefox
如果如手機一般每年更迭硬件規格 主機本身的OS維護升級成本會增加 軟件開發商的開發成本也會因不同版本的OS和不 ...
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