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标题: [新闻] X1准备提供鼠标键盘支持 [打印本页]

作者: Nemo_theCaptain    时间: 2015-7-23 13:46     标题: X1准备提供鼠标键盘支持

如果玩FPS都能用鼠标,手柄用户会不爽的 ... d-keyboard-support/
作者: 猫猫的小叔叔    时间: 2015-7-23 14:06

posted by wap, platform: 华为
作者: 你老闆    时间: 2015-7-23 14:40

作者: jjtomy    时间: 2015-7-23 15:04

作者: naughtyben    时间: 2015-7-23 17:52

posted by wap, platform: iPhone
作者: 松鼠2号    时间: 2015-7-23 17:54

作者: qxxqxx    时间: 2015-7-23 19:00

posted by wap, platform: Galaxy Nexus
作者: 你老闆    时间: 2015-7-23 19:46

原帖由 qxxqxx 于 2015-7-23 19:00 发表
posted by wap, platform: Galaxy Nexus
玩枪战打网战,你用手柄对面玩鼠标,这尼玛和作弊有什么区别。另外x1彻底pc化了啊 ... -and-mouse-with-ps4

This article provides information on using a keyboard and mouse with the PlayStation®4.

The PS4 supports the use of both Bluetooth® and USB keyboards and mice. Instructions on how to connect them are below.

To use a USB keyboard or mouse:

Plug the device into an open USB port on the front of the PS4.
The PS4 will recognize the new device and ask who is using it. Choose the profile that you'd like to pair to the device.
You can now use the keyboard to navigate the PS4's system menus, input text, browse the web, and more.
Keyboard type (language), key repeat delay, and key repeat rate can be changed by going to [Settings] > [Devices] > [External Keyboard].

To use a Bluetooth keyboard or mouse:

From the Dynamic Menu's Home Screen, press UP on the d-pad.
Choose [Settings] > [Devices] > [Bluetooth Devices]. The system will automatically search for nearby Bluetooth devices.
Follow the normal pairing process of the Bluetooth device you wish to pair and enter the passkey (if necessary). If you are unsure of this process, please consult the device's instruction manual.
The PS4 will recognize the new device and ask who is using it. Choose the profile that you'd like to pair to the device.
You can now use the keyboard to navigate the PS4's system menus, input text, browse the web, and more.


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