In the face of your unbelievable passing it will surely take some time before we can emerge from this deep sorrow. Please know, however, that the seeds you have planted, and the plants that have sprouted will put forth small flowers as they bring smiles to the faces of people around the world, blossom into a grand flower bigger than even you, our leader, Iwata-san. Together with Miyamoto and others of our generation, we swear in our hearts that we will continue our efforts so that, someday, we can report and present to you the blossoming of these flowers. 作者: 夢桜花吹雪 时间: 2015-7-18 11:10
聪哥,玩家们不会忘记你 作者: coldiori 时间: 2015-7-18 21:40
posted by wap, platform: SONY Xperia Z2
终有一日我们都会在那个世界。。。 作者: sambfish 时间: 2015-7-18 23:09