The response to Forza Motorsport 6 has been amazing. From members of the Forza community who were on-hand at the booth (including an appearance from the community’s own Raceboy77!) to the media, it’s great to see the amount of excitement that has built up for the game. Here’s a selection of stories and quotes from the past week for your reading enjoyment:
Forza 6 is exactly what you want: a faster, prettier Forza with rain and night driving – The Verge
“With each successive (and successful) Forza Motorsport title, developer Turn 10 wades slowly and deliberately through the uncanny valley of car simulation.”
“In one scene, a crashing car impacts a wall of tires, which start flying over the track. Destructible environments aren't new, but it looks like Turn 10 is taking it to another level here.”
Forza Motorsport 6 Rains on Exactly Zero Parades – IGN “The Forza series' biggest problem is that it has no problems. Literally every single Forza game has ranged from great to frickin' fantastic. It is now the definitive simulation racing series in the world -- there's no disputing that -- and every year it must leap over the lofty bar that Forza itself sets. After a quick race in Forza Motorsport 6, it seems to be on the right track to doing just that. Again. Ho-hum.”
“I don't envy Forza's position every year of having to try and fire up fans for a game that, according to its track record, is almost guaranteed to be at the top of its class. But I sure do appreciate it.”
Forza Motorsport 6 Makes Splashes at E3 2015 – GameSpot “Turn 10 Studios are ambitiously aiming to master rain in Forza Motorsport 6. We're not about your standard issue downpour in a racing game with superficial weather effects. It's more about drops of water beading on a triple-waxed chassis, the smears from a swing windshield wiper, and how large drops of water elongate as you accelerate. It's striking to see this play out in real time that it's almost distracting. This might be the first Forza game I play where I genuinely won't care that I'm not in first place.”
Here’s Your First Look at the Realistic Dreamworld that is Forza 6 -- Jalopnik “Don’t have enough mountains of cash on hand to buy a brand-new 2016 Ford GT? Well then Forza 6 is as close as you’re going to get. Not only is it the car on the cover, but in true Forza tradition it makes racing look gorgeous.” 作者: tommyshy 时间: 2015-6-20 21:24
不得了,IGN又权威了 作者: zichuanle 时间: 2015-6-20 21:28
posted by wap, platform: Galaxy Note III
老美的星战情怀你们不懂 作者: ZhouRC 时间: 2015-6-20 22:14
posted by wap, platform: Android