Robert Downey Jr. is on the verge of signing on to “Captain America 3,” with Tony Stark’s Iron Man set to play a key role in bringing the Civil War storyline from Marvel’s comicbooks to the bigscreen and trigger the start of a new phase of movies from Marvel Studios.
The actor is in final negotiations to play the billionaire in the yet-to-be-titled third installment, that is slated to begin production in the Spring for a May 6, 2016, release, according to sources close to the discussions. Downey suits up as the superhero in next summer’s “The Avengers: Age of Ultron” as part of a previous deal that also calls for him to reprise the role in “The Avengers 3.”
The new pact is significant for the Marvel cinematic universe considering the plot will pit Stark against Captain America’s alter-ego Steve Rogers, played by Chris Evans, as they feud over the Superhero Registration Act, which forces anyone with superhuman abilities to reveal their identities to the U.S. government and agree to act as a police force for the authorities.
Stark supports the program, but Rogers does not, saying it threatens civil liberties, causing sides to be taken and Rogers, among others, to go on the run to avoid arrest. The moral question and battle with his Avengers teammate essentially makes Stark a villain of sorts in “Captain America 3,” providing Downey with a meaty role he could play out into future Marvel films, including a fourth “Avengers.”
Marvel on Monday announced plans to reboot the Civil War comicbook miniseries in 2015, which will help introduce the story to new readers leading up to “Captain America 3.” The first crossover of Marvel’s biggest characters, including Spider-Man, was published in 2006. 作者: cloud_198 时间: 2014-10-15 10:19
在輿論迅速倒向一邊的情况下,此前一直没有得到廣泛支持的超能力者註冊法案((SHRA), 6 U.S.C. § 558)很快被國會通過了[4]。根據法案條例,所有想要公開使用超能力者要向政府註冊,其中如果有想要成為超級英雄的人要接受適當的審查和訓練。該法案適用於天生具有超能力者,後天藉由科技得到超能力者(例如鋼鐵人),或是想要挑戰成為超能力者的一般人。[5] Enactment of the federal law led to revisions of state criminal codes (such as Chapter 40, Article 120, Section 120 of the New York Penal Code, and Section 245(d) of the California Penal Code).[6]此前一直反對註冊法案的鋼鐵人意識到這一改變已無可避免,同時也認同超级英雄們没有得到足夠的约束與訓練,於是轉而支持該法案,並與持相同觀點的英雄們一起幫助政府對其推行和維護。
美國隊長拒絕幫助神盾逮捕違反法案的超能力者,因此被神盾特工攻擊。隨後變成逃犯的美國隊長成立了地下組織"Secret Avengers"來反對註冊法。這組織成員包括Hercules,Falcon,丹尼·蘭德(他代替馬特默多克偽裝成夜魔俠),[7] Luke Cage,和Young Avengers。[7][8]另一方面,鋼鐵人,Reed Richards,Henry Pym,和女浩克贊同這個法案。蜘蛛人在一場記者會中脫下他的面罩,以表示他支持這個法案。[7] Doctor Strange則不加入任何一方,要鋼鐵人和神奇先生不要再來找他(政府宣布Doctor Strange不受法案所管)。
支持註冊派的英雄們在政府授意下追蹤沒有註冊的超能力者,並關押拒絕註冊者。美國隊長帶領的Secret Avengers和鋼鐵人帶領的復仇者在Yancy Street大打一戰。路過拜訪朋友的石頭人(The Thing, Ben Grimm)也捲入事件。當Yancy Street黑幫的一名年輕成員在混戰中死於非命後,石頭人不恥雙方的行為而離開美國:“我不會支持一個錯誤的法律,但也不會和政府交戰。”
東尼史塔克成為神盾的領導者,en:Maria Hill降級成代理人。
The 50-State Initiative提到每個州都放置一個超級英雄。
en:Mighty Avengers重組成唯一個新隊伍。
蜘蛛人的身份曝光後,他老闆en:J. Jonah Jameson告他詐欺。接下來的故事在One More Day中。[12]
Goliath,Bantam,Typeface和Stilt-Man死於這次衝突中。Tom Foster繼承他叔叔的遺志成為新的Goliath。
Captain Marvel enters the present day.
A reconstituted version of the en:New Warriors emerges, (bearing little resemblance to the original); most of the former Warriors are a part of The Initiative Program.
Nova回到地球(於打倒殲滅者Annihilus及阻止它的annihilation wave with the Nova Corps Worldmind in him之後). He finds out that his former teammates on the New Warriors are dead and has to decide whether or not to be on The Initiative as he battles the Thunderbolts.他選擇離開地球, heading for the Kree space.
Kingpin雇用的殺手誤殺梅嬸,為了救回梅嬸的性命,驚奇公司回溯了許多蜘蛛人的劇情。大部份都是和Mary Jane Waston有關。[12]. 作者: 碎南瓜 时间: 2014-10-15 10:55