索尼美服迎来一年的PlayStation Plus 庆祝活动,并把今年赠送给会员的游戏一一展示在了上面的图片中,有玩家好奇价值49.99美刀的一年的会员资格究竟能够体验价值为多少美刀的游戏,于是他们做了以下的统计,得出的结论是49.99刀的会员资格可以为玩家带来共计 1854.86美元的游戏体验。对于那些很少买游戏来游玩的玩家来说,办理一个PS+会员不失为一个体验索尼PS主机魅力的绝佳办法。
PS3 Retail Titles
infamous 2 59.99
LittleBigPlanet 2 59.99
Ratchet and Clank: All for One 59.99
Borderlands 59.99
Resident Evil 5 59.99
Just Cause 2 59.99
Warhammer 40K Space Marine 59.99
Saints Row 2 59.99
BioShock 2 59.99
Darksiders 59.99
Vanquish 59.99
Spec Ops: The Line 59.99
Demons Souls 59.99
Sleeping Dogs 59.99
Guardians of Middle Earth 49.99
King of the Fighters XIII 59.99
Super Street Fighter IV 39.99
Disgaea 4 59.99
The Walking Dead 49.99
PS Vita Retail Titles
Uncharted: Golden Abyss 49.99
Gravity Rush 39.99
WipeOut 2048 39.99
Ninja Gaiden Sigma Plus 39.99
BlazBlue Calamity Trigger II 39.99
PSP Retail Titles
Tekken 6 29.99
Final Fantasy Tactics 29.99
Soul Calibur: Broken Destiny 29.99
Megal Man X Maverick Hunter 29.99
PS3 Digital-Only PSN Titles
Gotham City Imposters 14.99
Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light 14.99
Virtua Fighter 5: Final Showdown 14.99
Outland 9.99
Pac-Man Championship Edition DX 9.99
NFL Blitz 4.99
Rochard 9.99
The Cave 14.99
Labyrinth Legends 14.99
Mega Man 9 and Mega Man 10 9.99
NBA Jam: On Fire Edition 14.99
Double Dragon Neon 9.99
Renegade Ops 14.99
Choplifter HD 14.99
Sideway: New York 9.99
Zombie Apocalypse 9.99
Hard Corps: Uprising 14.99
BloodRayne Betrayal 14.99
Scott Pilgrim Vs The World 9.99
PayDay: The Heist 13.99
Quantum Conundrum 9.99
Dungeon Defenders 14.99
Closure 14.99
Malicious 9.99
Joe Danger 2 14.99
Anomaly: Warzone Earth 9.99
PS Vita Digital-Only PSN Titles
Germinator 9.99
Plants Vs Zombies 10.49
Chronovolt 4.99
Tales from Space: When Mutant Blobs Attack 7.99
Jet Set Radio 9.99
Cross-Buy Digital-Only Titles
Retro City Rampage 14.99
Knytt Underground 14.99
Zombie Tycoon II 9.99
Foosball 2012 7.99
Pinball Arcade 9.99