我记得在nintendo tech瞎逛的时候见过nnn多人反馈的一个很不好的bug是这样。google了warawara not update,果然很多人是莫名奇妙这样子了
stevebiks (Topic Creator) | Posted 12/10/2012 12:45:55 AM
So I used advice from a thread on the Nintendo website boards, tweaked it a bit and it worked!!
Here is what i did: (I only had one account on my system, unsure if it works if there is more then that)
1. Create a new "dummy" account and new "Dummy" Nintendo Network ID
2. Deleted My broken User account but NOT the broken Nintendo Network ID (It prompts you with this choice when you select delete user)
3. Create a new user and link it to the broken Nintento Netowrk ID from step 2.
4. Once you get to the plaza with the new version of the broken Nintendo Network ID , go back the user select screen and delete ALL the dummy stuff from step 1
5. It then asks you to select a user (pick the one from step 3, ie: the one you are trying to fix). it will then ask if you want this to be the primary account. click yes. Then BOOM! Warawara is back!