It's been a long time since we've had a humongous sexy rumor on the site, so here's a juicy one that will get you all riled up. Nintendo is trying to buy Banjo-Kazooie! Well, maybe. Okay, probably not, but that's what the rumor's about.
According to an anonymous source close to Zelda Informer, the Big N has been in talks with Microsoft for some time now in an attempt to buy out Rare. While the main reason for this is supposedly to get the rights for Banjo-Kazooie, obtaining the developer would mean that Nintendo gets other major franchises like Conker and Jet Force Gemini, one of my personal faves.
Of course, the rumors don't end there (Do they ever?). According to this wily source, Retro Studios has been actively working on a Banjo-Kazooie game. That's utter insanity!
Again, this is all gossipy stuff, so whether or not there's any truth to it, well, I guess we'll find out. How will we do that? Simple: If a Banjo-Kazooie game is announced for the Wii U, we'll know. 作者: gl434 时间: 2012-7-21 17:24