2) 背面。可以看到是1992年在加拿大发售的。
关于封面红色Leonardo ,背面小图却是蓝色,里面的龟龟也是蓝色,我上网查了一下:
In the Mirage comics all four turtles wear red bandanas, but in other versions, he wears a blue bandana. His signature weapons are two ninjaken (literally "ninja sword"), which are universally referred to as katana. Throughout the various media he is depicted as the leader of the four turtles and the most disciplined. He is named after Leonardo da Vinci.[3]
原来这颜色还是有典故的,原作是红色,其他版本都是蓝色,而Leonardo 的名字是来源于达芬奇。。。