我們將於2012年2月8日對PlayStation®3及PlayStation®Vita系統進行軟件更新,同時,你的「PlayStation®Network帳戶」亦會被重新命名為「Sony Entertainment Network帳戶」或簡稱「SEN帳戶」。(註:是次變更暫不適用於PSP® (PlayStation®Portable)系統上。)
此項變更是為了配合Sony的長遠目標,旨在為客戶提供更獨特及優質的數碼娛樂服務。自去年9月,Sony已開始逐一施行相關的計劃,而PlayStation®Network亦將與Sony Entertainment Network帳戶合而為一。此舉能助我們建立一個全面的全球網絡平台,讓用戶最終能透過一個帳戶,便可方便地獲取各項遊戲、影音及其他數碼娛樂等內容。
Sony Entertainment Network團隊謹啟
Dear Abdisamad,
On February 8, 2012, your “PlayStation®Network account” will be renamed a “Sony Entertainment Network account” or a “SEN account”in conjunction with Sony Computer Entertainment’s PlayStation®3 system software and PlayStation®Vita system software updates. (Note, this change will not be applied to the PSP® (PlayStation®Portable) system at this time.)
For general purposes, this account change is a change in name only. Your username or password will not change, nor are we asking you to change them. In accordance with this transition, some necessary naming changes will be made to the TOS and Privacy Policy.
This transition is based on Sony’s goal to enhance its unique digital entertainment offering. As a series of these activities Sony started last September, PlayStation®Network will be aligned with “Sony Entertainment Network.” This helps us get closer to our goal of establishing a global comprehensive network platform of services across games, movies, music and more, all accessible from one convenient account.
Thank you for your continued loyalty and support during this transition.
The Sony Entertainment Network Team 作者: 便秘的耶酥 时间: 2012-2-4 12:53