Ending 1:
SoR1 route, two players required. One says "yes" to Mr. X, the other says "no." The two players fight. "Yes" player wins. Then, say "no" when asked a second time and defeat Mr. X.
Ending 2:
Robo X route, Just let the bomb explode.
Ending 3:
SoR2 route.
Ending 4:
SoR1 route.
Ending 5:
Robo X route, find keycard and defeat Shiva, WITHOUT disarming the bomb.
Ending 6:
Robo X route, when you disarm/disable the bomb.
Ending 7:
SoR1 route with Rudra, alone, no cheats.
Ending 8:
Beat the game in Mania difficulty (any route and NO CHEAT). 作者: zhaolinjia 时间: 2011-4-17 23:51
posted by wap, platform: Chrome
Ending 1: SoR1 route, two players required. One says "yes" to Mr. X, the other says "no." The two players fight. "Yes" player wins. Then, say "no" when asked a second time and defeat Mr. X.
Ending 2: Robo-X Path, time runs out.
Ending 3: SoR2 route.
Ending 4: SoR1 route.
Ending 5: Robo-X Path, find keycard defeat Shiva, WITHOUT disarming the bomb.
Ending 6: Same as #5, but disarm the bomb.
Ending 7: SoR1 route with Rudra, alone, no cheats.
Ending 8: Any route on Mania difficulty. 作者: zhaolinjia 时间: 2011-4-17 23:52
METER TYPE--------------------------量表类型。TIMER指的是时间量表,时间耗完角色自动死亡;GAUGE是气力槽,气力槽满时放消耗必杀不扣血,气力槽越低放消耗必杀扣的血量越多;BOTH是两者皆有。一般来说TIMER建议打开,打开的话关底会对所剩时间进行评价并追加分数;而关闭GAUGE的话,就会像SOR2一样,每次消耗必杀都会扣少量血。
COLLISION TYPE-----------------------SOR2: Hits are shown where the character collision box is;SOR3: Hits are shown on the clash point between characters,这个看不懂。
SHIVA:SHIVA这次是以正常人物的形式出现的,因为综合实力总的来说还是和主角几人在一个档次上。B起手的距离非常远,而且速度极快,近战中总是能抢得先机,这点是其他很多角色都不具备的,即使在MANIA难度下只靠常规打法也能立于不败之地。让人比较遗憾的是 Final Crash 的威力比较抱歉,基本上缺乏让人兴奋的要素。前A的气功掌和 Final Crash 作用有点重合,但有时更为稳妥一些。二星技和三星技不宜用来作为连击结尾,但用来杀入敌兵人群中非常有效果,视觉观感也很棒。另外SHIVA不能使用援护技能。