据美国科技博客MacTrast报道,他们从可靠消息源获知的苹果即将发布的新MacBook Pro产品线中几项重要的变化包括:更棒的显示屏,更高的电池续航能力,以及新的外形设计。全系列: 整条MacBook Pro产品线都将轻上15-20%,这归功于苹果为MacBook们选择了一种名为“非晶态合金”的材料,这比当前产品所使用的铝合金将具备更强的耐划特 性。电池续航能力的20%幅度提升,主要是因为苹果投资了新了电池技术工艺。造型设计上,MacBook Pro将变得更加的平滑,我们从iPod touch4与iPad 2模具都可以发现苹果这一设计倾向。
另外,MacBook Pro所采用的新的显示屏将具有更低的功耗,不过目前无法得知该显示屏的具体型号。新产品线的价格会更低,不过别高兴的太早了,这里的“低”指的是更高的内存或SSD硬盘的配备下所维系的一个价格平衡。
MacBook Pro 13寸: MacBook Pro 13寸将采用英特尔Sandy Bridge处理器,改进散热与能耗,10-12个小时的续航,同样将拥有光驱,与当前型号的位置相同,1440*900的分辨率,将重量从4.5磅减轻到3.7磅。
MacBook Pro 15寸: MacBook Pro 15寸也将采用英特尔Sandy Bridge处理器,其中安装了一种特殊的模块托架,用户可以自行选择是否安装光驱或者另外添置一块硬盘,或者什么也不加减轻重量。分辨率保持不变,但仍然可以定制更高分辨率的屏幕。重量则由现在的5.8磅减轻到4.6磅,有可能在右手边侧增加第三个USB接口。在连入WiFi环境下工作,续航时间为11 个小时。 MacBook Pro 17寸: Sandy Bridge处理器,11个小时的WiFi环境下续航,以及光驱/第二硬盘可选,这些与15寸的MacBook都相同,将会增加第四个USB接口,位置也与15寸的MacBook相同。重量则由6.6磅降至5.3磅。
MacTrast claims that Apple is set to unveil major upgrades to their MacBook Pro line of notebooks including better displays, better battery life, and updated designs. First the report claims that the entire line will become 15-20% lighter due to a new “stronger, lighter, and more scratch resistant” aluminum material. The new laptops are said to be made through a new build process also that is “similar to injection molding.”
Next, the report’s sources claim that the new MacBook Pros will pack a new battery technology that allows for 20% more battery life all around. They say the new 13 inch will have 12 hours of battery life, 15 inch will have 11 hours of battery life, and the 17 inch will also feature 11 hours of wireless productivity. As for the weight, the report claims the 13 inch will go from the current 4.5 pounds to 3.7 pounds (close to the 13 inch MacBook Air), the 15 inch will drop from 5.8 to 4.6, and the 17 inch will drop from 6.6 to 5.3 pounds.
Next, the report claims that the 13 inch model will have a built-to-order option to allow for a matte display, and a better display at 1440 x 900 resolution will also be an option. The report claims that the 13 inch model will keep the slot loading disc drive in its current location, but they claim the CD drive will be an option on the 15 inch model. Users could choose to use the space for SATA storage or an extra hard drive. They also claim the 15 inch will get a third USB port.
They claim the 17 inch will get a new expansion slot in addition to a new graphics card option. Now pricing.
Base pricing is said to be as follows: $1099 starting for the 13″ MacBook Pro, $1549 for the 15″ MacBook Pro, and $2099 for the 17″ MacBook Pro, with Apple clearly being quite aggressive here on those price points.
Just a note: We find these claims to be pretty extreme/out of the ordinary ($1549 for a Mac?) so we’d recommend not putting any confidence in the report just yet. However, MacTrast has 170K twitter followers…
原帖由 @ooo 于 2011-2-17 20:57 发表
posted by wap, platform: iPhone
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