Penny,Penny,you answered.You answered,Penny.
Des,where are you?
I'M...I'm..on the boat,I've...I've beenon an island,Pen.
My god,Penny,is that ally you?
Yeah!yes,it's me!
You believed me.You still care about me.
Des...I've been looking for you for the past three years.I know about the island.
I've been research...and then when I spoketo your friend charlie...that's when I knew you were still alive..
That's when I knew I wasn't crazy. Des,are you still there?
Yes!Yes,I'm here!I'm still here,Can you hear me?
Yeah,yeah,that's better.
I love you.penny.I've always loved you.I'm so sorry..I love you.
I love you,too.
I don't know where I am,but...
I'll find you,Des...
I promise...
No matter what..
I'll come back to you.
I won't give up.
I promise.
I promise.
I love you!