8.5 Presentation
The original style and story is something that can't be missed. There are tons of control options to tweak to suit your style.
9.5 Graphics
Awesome visuals, running at 60 frames per second. Some of the best seen on the Wii -- passerbys may confuse it for a 360 or PS3 game.
9.0 Sound
The atmospheric soundtrack is awesome. Voice acting is appropriately cheesy but it's the music that's king here.
8.0 Gameplay
The game runs into some issues of misreading some motions, but for the most part we're looking at one energetic action game.
7.0 Lasting Appeal
It's not super long but it's an appropriate dozen hours from start to finish. Challenge mode extends that.
(out of 10) 作者: 耶稣复临 时间: 2010-3-24 07:47
屁股屁股屁股!!!! 作者: 长牛角 时间: 2010-3-24 09:02
ign的图像分打得好高。我看也就是9分吧 作者: 比卡丘 时间: 2010-3-24 14:38
posted by wap, platform: Firefox
容量好大……我硬盘装不下了 作者: 阿西达卡 时间: 2010-3-25 15:52
Red Steel 2
GameSpot Score
The Good
* Mix of swordplay and shooting leads to varied, exciting combat
* Great visuals
* Constant addition of new techniques keeps action interesting.
The Bad
* Story and characters are underdeveloped
* Enemies sometimes employ frustrating tactics
* Some awful voice acting. 作者: 长牛角 时间: 2010-3-25 16:04