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标题: [转帖] 【剧透慎入,已看完“LA X”的方可进入】二位主创为你适当解释一点第六季开局 [打印本页]

作者: HKE    时间: 2010-2-4 17:14     标题: [转帖] 【剧透慎入,已看完“LA X”的方可进入】二位主创为你适当解释一点第六季开局

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[原创] 【剧透慎入,已看完“LA X”的方可进入】首播集让你困惑了么?别害怕!二位主创为你适当解释一点第六季开局【翻译自】
本帖最后由 yaoyao831206 于 2010-2-4 16:40 编辑

EW: The wholeidea of flash-sideways and the plan to use season 6 to show us a worldwhere Oceanic 815 never crashed — how long has that been in the works?Why did you want to do it?

EW: 像Flash-Sideways这种创意,以及让我们在在第六季看到一个Oceanic815未曾坠毁的世界,你们筹划了到底多久?你们为什么打算这样搞?

DAMON LINDELOF: It’s been in playfor at least a couple of years. We knew that the ending of the timetravel season was going to be an attempt to reboot. And as a result, we[knew] the audience was going to come out of the “do-over moment”thinking we were either going start over or just say it didn’t work andcontinue on. [We thought] wouldn’t it be great if we did both? That wasthe origin of the story.

DAMON LINDELOF:已经好几年了。我们很清楚,如果我们将时间旅行的一季做一了结,是一种重启(故事情节)的尝试。结果我们发现观众已经快要走出我们布置的迷魂阵了(要么故事重启,要么根本没有改变),所以我们想,为什么不干脆让两种情况同时上演?这也是创造这个故事的最初想法。

CARLTON CUSE: We thought just doing one [ofthose options] would inherently not be satisfying. Since the verybeginning of the show, characters started crossing through each other’sstories. Part of our desire [in season 6] is to show that there’s stillthis kind of weave, that these characters still would have impactedeach other’s lives even without the event of crashing on the Island.Obviously, the big question of the season is going to be: How do these[two timelines] reconcile? However, for the fans who have not watchedthe show closely, that’s an intact narrative. You can just watch theflash sideways — they stand alone all by themselves. For the fans whoare more deeply embedded in the show, you can watch those flashsideways, compare them to what transpired in the flashbacks and go,“Oh, that’s an interesting difference.”

CARLTON CUSE:我们认为仅仅将其中一种情况搬上第六季,从本质上来说,是不能让人满意的。从第一季开始,每个人物都开始牵扯进其他角色的故事中。在第六季,我们有一个愿望,就是让这种影响力依然存在,就算飞机没有坠毁,角色们依然深深影响着彼此的命运。显然,本季最大的问题就是:如何解决这两条时间线的调和问题?不过,对于那些最近才开始看《迷失》的观众,他们看到的,将是完整的故事。他们可以只看flash sideways——这条线是相对独立的。而对于资深捞饭,你们可以一边看flash sideways,一边与过去看过的“闪回”进行对比,你会发现——“哦!这真是个有趣的变化”。

LINDELOF: Right out of thegate, in the first five minutes of the premiere, you get hit over thehead with two things that you’re not expecting. The first is thatDesmond is on the plane. The second thing that we do is we drop out ofthe plane and we go below the water and we see that the Island issubmerged. What we’re trying to do there is basically say to you, “Godbless the survivors of Oceanic 815, because they’re so self-centered,they thought the only effect [of detonating the bomb] was going to bethat their plane never crashes.” But they don’t stop to think, “If wedo this in 1977, what else is going to affected by this?” So that theirentire lives can be changed radically. In fact, it would appear thatthey’ve sunken the Island. That’s our way of saying, “Keep your eyespeeled for the differences that you’re not expecting.” Some of thesecharacters were still in Australia, but some weren’t. Shannon’s notthere. Boone actually says that he tried to get her back. There are allsorts of other people that we don’t see. Where’s Libby? Where’s AnaLucia? Where’s Eko? These are all the things that you’re supposed to bethinking about. When our characters posited the “What if?” scenario,they neglected to think about what the other effects of potentiallychanging time might be and we’re embracing those things.

LINDELOF:看完首播集的前五分钟,你肯定被两件意想不到的事情震住了。一是Desmond居然在飞机上,二是我们的镜头飞出了机舱,飞到了海面下,看到了岛已经沉没。我们之所以这么干,其实就是想说“愿上帝保佑815航班幸存者吧,因为他们是那么以自我为中心,他们以为引爆核弹的结局只是他们的飞机不会再坠落。”但他们没停下想想“如果我们在1977年这么做,还会有其他副作用吗?”他们的整个命运可能被彻底改写。事实上,看起来真是他们把小岛弄沉的。这就是我们讲故事的方式,请观众们“睁大眼睛观察,寻找那些令你意想不到的不同吧。”有的人物还留在澳大利亚,但有的并不是。Shannon就不在那。Boone实际只是说他试图劝她回来(没说从哪儿)。还有很多人物我们没看到。Libby在哪?Ana Lucia在哪?Eko在哪?这是你们接下来要好好思考的。当我们的角色们出现在“如果”的场景里时,他们不必也不可能去考虑引爆核弹带来的潜在副作用到底有那些,可是我们却必须为此困扰不堪。

Thatsaid, are you saying definitively that detonating Jughead was the eventthat created this new timeline? Or is that a mystery which the season 6story will reveal?


LINDELOF: It’s a mystery. A big one.

LINDELOF: 的确是个谜团,大个儿的。

CUSE:We did have some concern that it might be confusing kind of going intothe season. To clear that up a little bit: The archetypes of thecharacters are the same and that’s the most significant thing. Kate isstill a fugitive. If you were to look at the Comic-Con video, forinstance, that now comes into play. There was a different scenario inthat story. She basically blew up an apprentice plumber as opposed tokilling her biological father/stepfather. Those kind of differencesexist, but who the characters fundamentally are is the same. If itbecomes too confusing for you, you can just follow the flash sidewaysfor what they are. It’s not as though there’s narrative that hangs onthe fact that you need to know that this event was different in thatworld, in the flashback world versus the sideways world. That’s notcritical for being able to process the narrative this season.

CUSE:我们的确有点担心观众起初进入本季会很迷惑。让我们把事情搞简单些:人物还是那些人物,原型不变,这很重要。Kate还是个逃犯。如果你看了Comic-Con的视频,那样的情况已经发生在剧情里了。在那个故事里有个(与闪回)不同的场景,Kate炸死了一名水暖工,并不是她的生父/继父。这些不同之处的确存在,但人物还是那些人物,没有变。如果你对这些还是很困惑,你就只盯着flash sideways里的他们看好了。并不需要你去刻意比较两个世界叙述事件的不同,这一季,能够理顺事件的先后顺序并不是关键。

Isthere a relationship between Island reality and sideways reality? Willthey run parallel for the remainder of the season? Will they fusetogether? Might one fade away?


LINDELOF: For us, the bigrisk that we’re taking in the final season of the show is basicallythis very question. [Lindelof then explains the show has replaced thetrademark “whoosh!” sound effect marking the segue between Islandpresent story and flashbacks or flash-forwards, thus callingconspicuous attention to the relationship between the Island world andthe Sideways world.] This is the critical mystery of the season, whichis, “What is the relationship between these two shows?” And we don’tuse the phrase “alternate reality,” because to call one of them an“alternate reality” is to infer that one of them isn’t real, or one ofthem is real and the other is the alternate to being real.


CUSE: Butthe questions you’re asking are exactly the right questions. What arewe to make of the fact that they’re showing us two different timelines?Are they going to resolve? Are they going to connect? Are they going toco-exist in parallel fashion? Are they going to cross? Do theyintersect? Does one prove to be viable and the other one not? I thinkthose are all the kind of speculations that are the right speculationsto be having at this point in the season.

CUSE: 你问的问题恰恰是正确的问题。我们如何把握两个不同时间线的现实?二者会分离?还是会联系?还是赶时髦地玩起平行世界?二者会产生交集么?一个会被证明可行而另一个却没有?我认为目前阶段来看,所有的推测都是合乎逻辑的推测。

LINDELOF: But it isgoing to require patience. We’ve taught the audience how to be patientthus far, so while they’re getting a lot of mythological answers on theisland early in the season, this idea of what is the relationshipbetween the two [worlds] is a little bit more of a slow burn.

LINDELOF: 这需要点耐心。这些年来我们就教观众如何变得耐心,目前人们已经得到了许多剧集早期未解之谜的答案。两个世界存在何种联系这个想法还需要点时间去慢慢解释。

DidJughead really sink the Island? And is it possible that the Sidewayscharacters are now caught in a time loop in which they might have to goback in time and fulfill the obligation to continuity by detonating thebomb?

真的是核弹让小岛沉没的吗?有没有这样一种可能,在Sideways 世界里的角色们被一个时间死循环套住了,他们可能不得不回到岛上尽自己应尽的义务,引爆核弹,让时间恢复连续性?

LINDELOF: These questions will be dealt with on theshow. Should you infer that the detonation of Jughead is what sunk theisland? Who knows? But there’s the Foot. What do you get when you seethat shot? It looks like New Otherton got built. These little clues[might help you] extrapolate when the Island may have sunk. Start tothink about it. A couple of episodes down the road, some of thecharacters might even discuss it. We will say this: season 6 is notabout time travel. It’s about the implications, the aftermath, and thecausality of trying to change the past. But the idea of continuing todo paradoxical storytelling is not what we’re interested in this year.


译者有话说:同志们,不用去争论了,不管怎样,肯定不是传统的“闪前” 和“闪回”,这一季,有了新名词——“Flash Sideways”——“闪边”!

作者: 史莱姆    时间: 2010-2-4 17:23


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