Disc 1:
●Main Footage
●Bonus Scenes (Total Time: 81 Minutes 06 Seconds)
・Ambition towards the comeback (2 Types)(39min48sec)
・Costumes of the King of Pop (15min11sec)
・Staffs on Micahel Jackson (16min19sec)
・Dancer Audition Scenes (9min48sec)
・Original Theater Trailer
・Trailer Collection
Disc 2:
●Bonus Scenes (50min12sec)
・Behind the scenes of the concert (3 Types)(50min12sec)
~About the Fancers (26min08sec)/ About the band (12min03sec)/ About the vocalists (12min01sec)
●Bonus Scenes (Total Time: 165 minutes 34 seconds)相当于双碟时间相加
・Short Film 1 "Thriller" (3min33sec) ※Bonus only on Blu-ray(5.1ch)
・Short Film 2 "Smooth Criminal" (3min47sec) ※Bonus only on Blu-ray(5.1ch)这两个正片中应该有穿插(正片+幕后制作花絮),不是单独的MV
・Making of Short Film 2 "Smooth Criminal" (11min07Sec) 这个是关键
・Choreographer on Michael Jackson (15min49sec)还有这个