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标题: 问个英文,go for the eyes怎么理解? [打印本页]

作者: lijgame    时间: 2009-12-28 22:00     标题: 问个英文,go for the eyes怎么理解?

DAO里loading时有这样的提示: If all else fails, go for the eyes!
这里go for the eyes怎么理解?
作者: akirasai    时间: 2009-12-29 00:37

Go For The Eye  

You know what to do.If you ever encounter a monster in a video game with a single, enormous, glowing eye, you can bet dollars to donuts that said eye will be that monster's only weak spot. The rest of its body will be Made Of Iron, and even the Infinity Plus One Sword won't damage it. Often, part of the boss' strategy will be figuring out how to make it open its eye so you can hit it For Massive Damage.
作者: zafm0861    时间: 2009-12-29 09:38

原帖由 akirasai 于 2009-12-29 00:37 发表
Go For The Eye  

You know what to do.If you ever encounter a monster in a video game with a single, enormous, glowing eye, you can bet dollars to donuts that said eye will be that monster's only w ...

作者: qazqaz    时间: 2009-12-29 09:48

[posted by wap, platform: Opera]

作者: xiduopan    时间: 2009-12-29 09:56

原帖由 akirasai 于 2009-12-29 00:37 发表
Go For The Eye  

You know what to do.If you ever encounter a monster in a video game with a single, enormous, glowing eye, you can bet dollars to donuts that said eye will be that monster's only w ...

作者: lijgame    时间: 2009-12-29 11:47

原帖由 akirasai 于 2009-12-29 00:37 发表
Go For The Eye  

You know what to do.If you ever encounter a monster in a video game with a single, enormous, glowing eye, you can bet dollars to donuts that said eye will be that monster's only w ...


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