1. ELF Launch method:
a) Modchip with DEV1(DEVolution mode #1) option, that allows ELF booting from mc0 (mc0:/BOOT/BOOT.ELF)
b) uLE (Unofficial Launch Elf) and/or FCMB (Free Memory Card Boot)software, which allows ELF execution from many devices (mc, mass, hdd, cd, dvd, ...)
c) Bootable PS2 CD, you can do it putting the ELF file into a ISO image built by CDGENPS2 (
2. TV/Monitor
This requirement here depends on your purposes when using GSM, for instance:
- A ordinary interlaced SD (Standard Definition) TV set, to force PAL or NTSC modes
- A PS (Progressive Scan) SD (Standard Definition) TV set, to force progressive modes
- A CRT/LCD Monitor set with SoG (Sync-on-Green) feature, to force VGA modes
- A LCD/Plasma HD (High Definition) TV set, to force HDTV modes
3. Cable/Connection
This requirement here depends on the previous one, for instance:
A/V Connection between console and TV/Monitor
- Console -> Composite cable -> TV
- Console -> Component cable -> TV
- Console -> Component cable -> Monitor
- Console -> Component cable -> (homemade or manufactured) VGA Adaptor -> Monitor
- Console -> Component cable -> (homemade or manufactured) VGA Adaptor -> TV
- Console -> (homemade or manufactured) VGA cable -> Monitor
- Console -> (homemade or manufactured) VGA cable -> TV
要实现PS2 VGA输出您可以:
1. 直接运行ELF文件:
a) 支持DEV1启动的直读芯片(DEVolution mode #1) , 这样可以从记忆卡1运行mc0:/BOOT/BOOT.ELF
b) uLE (Unofficial Launch Elf) and/or FCMB (Free Memory Card Boot)software, 可以从任何设备上运行ELF可执行文件 (记忆卡, U盘, 硬盘, 光碟, ...)
c) 可以启动的PS2光盘, 可以用CDGENPS2这个软件来创建
2. 电视和显示器
This requirement here depends on your purposes when using GSM, for instance:
- 如果你只想改变PAL和NTSC的话 您需要一台标准清晰度的电视机
- 如果想强制逐行扫描的话您需要一台带逐行扫描的标准清晰度电视机
- 如果要启动VGA模式 您需要带有绿同步功能的液晶或者CRT显示器
- 使用高清输出就必须要一台支持高清输入的液晶或者等离子电视
3. 线材与连接
This requirement here depends on the previous one, for instance:
A/V Connection between console and TV/Monitor
- PS2主机 -> AV -> 电视
- PS2主机 -> 色差线 -> 电视
- PS2主机 -> 色差线 -> Monitor
- PS2主机 -> 色差线 -> (DIY的或者官方的) VGA 转接头 -> Monitor
- PS2主机 -> 色差线 -> (DIY的或者官方的) VGA 转接头 -> 电视
- PS2主机 -> (DIY的或者官方的) VGA 线 -> Monitor
- PS2主机 -> (DIY的或者官方的) VGA 线 -> 电视 作者: 任风化雨 时间: 2009-12-22 15:59