Scrambler is useless, IMO. You are pretty much telling people where you are if you have it, if you play standard TDM. 作者: Jonsoncao 时间: 2009-11-15 02:56
[posted by wap, platform: BlackBerry]
Shouldn't it be the other way around based on the descrpition? 作者: beegao 时间: 2009-11-15 03:18
Suppose you are equiped with scrambler and my GPS will be out of function when I'm near you. Therefore once my GPS starts to act funny I'd know somebody with scrambler is nearby. Won't take long to locate your postion if it's a map I know very well. So once you max out the scramber perk I'd say you should just leave it behind.
I like coldblooded rather a lot as I can run around even when the enemy uav/cobra/pred missile/harrier/pave low/apache/ac130 is in action. UAV can be shot down with less than a full magazine and larger aircrafts can be shot down with 1 or 2 stinger missiles. 作者: Jonsoncao 时间: 2009-11-15 16:16