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标题: 没人发吗?SE:因为360容量限制,為了公平起见,PS3版FF13后期不能访问前期地域 [打印本页]

作者: yaoyan    时间: 2009-9-5 22:09     标题: 没人发吗?SE:因为360容量限制,為了公平起见,PS3版FF13后期不能访问前期地域

Yesterday, we covered an interview with Final Fantasy XIII (Xbox 360, PlayStation 3) producer, Yoshinori Kitase, which had him reassuring fans that FFXIII going multiplatform did not compromise design at all. Today, we have here Kitase talking to GameTrailers, and admitting that the PS3 version has been indeed compromised to "keep both versions of the game identical."
FF13制作人對GameTrailers承認, 事實上為了公平起見, PS3版作出了妥協

the PS3 version will not have the Japanese voices with English subtitles because, well, it can't fit on the Xbox 360 and since they want to be "fair" to both platforms, then they won't put it on the PS3 as well

(美版) 因360容量問題放不下日文語音, 為了公平, PS3版也不會收錄

If the game was on a single Blu-Ray disc, it would allow the player to explore many areas, and many side-quests at any time throughout the game. However, due to the DVD limitations of the Xbox 360, the game will be cut up, and many areas you visit at the beginning of the game will most likely not be available towards the end of the game

如果是一隻碟, 設計任務可以沒地區限制, 隨時造訪. 但由於DVD容量限制, 遊戲要斬件, 很多地區遊戲後期不能再訪 ... aid/134299#comments
作者: 720    时间: 2009-9-5 22:12

作者: 黑龙    时间: 2009-9-5 22:53

作者: LionHeart    时间: 2009-9-5 22:57

作者: 希望之海    时间: 2009-9-5 23:04

作者: hPPYs    时间: 2009-9-5 23:07

作者: 正直幼年    时间: 2009-9-5 23:10

作者: LionHeart    时间: 2009-9-5 23:11


[ 本帖最后由 SilverLionHeart 于 2009-9-5 23:22 编辑 ]
作者: mame    时间: 2009-9-5 23:19

作者: 量产QUBELEY    时间: 2009-9-5 23:22

作者: LionHeart    时间: 2009-9-5 23:30

原帖由 量产QUBELEY 于 2009-9-5 23:22 发表
真的吗 那我失态了
作者: mame    时间: 2009-9-5 23:31

作者: 量产QUBELEY    时间: 2009-9-6 00:08


[ 本帖最后由 量产QUBELEY 于 2009-9-6 00:14 编辑 ]
作者: 囝阿囝    时间: 2009-9-6 00:26

作者: 黑龙    时间: 2009-9-6 02:54



Not only that, but the pacing of the PS3 version will also be affected because of the Xbox 360 version.Analyzed PS3 Center:

When Final Fantasy moved to PlayStation 2, it only ever appeared on 1 DVD. This meant that unlike previous iterations on the original PlayStation, every area within the game could technically be open at any time. In previous games, some areas appeared on some discs, and were closed off in others. The same can even be said for games such as Lost Odyssey on the Xbox 360, due to the space constraints of the DVD, the majority of side-quests appeared on the final disc. Final Fantasy XIII will be affected in the same way.

This is not a huge problem if an RPG is 360 exclusive or developed for Xbox 360 first, but if it is meant to be developed on the PS3 first and take advantage of ALL it's features, then it is a problem.

If the game was on a single Blu-Ray disc, it would allow the player to explore many areas, and many side-quests at any time throughout the game. However, due to the DVD limitations of the Xbox 360, the game will be cut up, and many areas you visit at the beginning of the game will most likely not be available towards the end of the game.This may be one of the main reasons that many PS3 fans are looking forward to Final Fantasy Vs XIII more than Final Fantasy XIII, because Versus represents an upgrade in scale whereas Final Fantasy XIII is actually a downgrade from earlier Final Fantasy games in that sense. ... aid/134299#comments
作者: zhangzhengchun    时间: 2009-9-6 10:48

作者: nicoocin    时间: 2009-9-6 13:40


渣360的地域探索有限制, PS3没有。
作者: Missing    时间: 2009-9-6 14:23

无论怎么说. SE都是渣.  这公司很没品. 正指公司   作品当然爱
作者: nicoocin    时间: 2009-9-6 14:45

作者: yaoyan    时间: 2009-9-6 18:23

作者: xiejia31    时间: 2009-9-6 21:20

作者: edwang    时间: 2009-9-6 22:41

作者: terrylet7    时间: 2009-9-6 22:46

估计是假的~  ff历来只看重日本市场的,美版都说半年后发售,不会干这种蠢事的~

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