9.5 Presentation 整体/介面
This city is alive and you'll feel like you're a critical part of it from start to finish. The easy to upgrade powers, story-expanding Dead Drops, and more wrap you up in the experience.
帝国市像是有生命的城市一样,玩家会觉得从游戏开始到结束自己好像是整个城市的批判者一样. 升级超能力很简单,有很多可寻找收集的东西(请参阅后面补充资料),和其他更多的内容能让玩家身历其境.
8.5 Graphics 画面
The city looks great with its destroyed buildings and people dying in the streets. Cole's powers dazzle at times, but there is some pop-in, repetitive environments, and framerate dips. 帝国城设计得不错,像是被毁坏的大楼和在街上垂死的街民. Cole (主角)的超能力非常华丽. 缺点是有一些会突然出现的人物车辆等,重複的背景设计,和一些掉祯.
8.5 Sound 声音
The soundtrack is great, the ambient noise of the city makes you feel like you're there, and the sound effects are solid. Still, why is Cole's voice soooo gravely?
背景配乐很棒,街上一些碎碎声让你有身历其境的感觉,声音特效也是非常讚. 唯一的疑问是为什麽Cole的配音那麽的阴沉?
9.0 Gameplay 游戏性
Cole's powers are stunning and fun, but the real joy is zipping around the city and unraveling the story. I could've gone for a few more enemy types and better Stunt explanations.
Cole的超能力非常让人惊叹而且有趣,但游戏的主轴是在淨化城市和探索游戏的谜题. 如果再不同的岛,敌人的种类能再多一点变化能更好,和多解释一下特技会更好(做出一些特殊的事情有奖杯拿)
9.5 Lasting Appeal 耐玩度
It took me about 25 hours to go through both storylines, but I've put in a total of 30 hours searching for Blast Shards and my Platinum Trophy. All that, and this still isn't old.
我大概花了25小时去完成两个故事剧情(指做英雄与恶名昭彰),但我也花了总共30小时去寻找全部的碎片和银杯. 即使这样子重複玩游戏,也不会让人感到厌倦.
出色的 OVERALL 总分(不是平均)
(out of 10 / not an average)