I'm surprised that Clutch hasn't weighed in on this - so I'll say something.
It's so much worse than what Blinebury says in his blog, it's funny. Blinebury gets it wrong because he just doesn't care that much. He has opinion and he writes that. The ironic thing here is that he is UNDERSHOOTING it. The Artest situation is part Ron BUT....Adelman's staff is so lax in their structure. They play a much bigger part than is being said. Adelman and TMac don't see eye to eye but it's not over what you think. I'll say this - TMac has his vision of the team and what needs to be done...and that is the SECOND biggest battle on the squad.
I promise you - it's FAR worse than what's being said. But it will be said eventually. Keep your eyes open and focused on Yao Ming.